Everyone expresses love differently...or speaks a different love language. (Good book too.) So, I love little surprise notes of appreciation. I especially love little surprise acts of appreciation, but I'm talking about notes today. I love them. So I leave them, for my husband. He likes them. He doesn't love them. He likes service a lot though. So today, I went to write a note for him. Then I saw the top of the fridge that he has wanted organized forever. And I did that instead. And he loved it. And he knew I loved him. Better than a love note...
(that, by the way, is our sadie hawkins dance in high school)
I just found your blog, so cute. It is so fun to read your comments and thoughts on everything.
Cute pic and great book yes! I unfortunately need 4 out of 5 of the love languages. I have figured out that Daddio, he is 2 of them. I have not yet mastered speaking the right one set though. Great job!
I love your blog, so sweet and very artisitic. Your girls are so sweet, I could just squeeze them. I love the picture, it looks like you just had it taken yesterday!
Jordan likes the notes, and I love the tasks to be done. Maybe we should give each other ideas. Way to go!
Love the retro picture. I bet your glad you kept that.
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