Tuesday, August 9, 2011

summertime fun...

we've had a good summer
a busy summer
I just luvvvv the summertime
baby boy growing up so fast
ballet recital

 hubby falls of a mountain...and we make new friends!

races, visitors, camping trips.....family!


A.J. Dub. (Amy) said...

Fell off a mountain and that is all we get? :P
Little guy is sure a cutie! Your girls are getting so big! We are a little jealous of the gorgeous hair. :) We can barley get a tiny clip in Miss K's hair. She has a tiny bit more than your little guy.

Your FHE's sound awesome!

Robin said...

I sure want to see the video of the dance recital. You sure do fun things. Glad we got to spend some of the time with you!

John, Mica, Jackson, Grace, Kai, and Lucy said...

At least you wrote something for the summer! Nice job catching up! :) It's amazing how fast and filled summers are these days! And Fall is seeming that way too! Love the cute pictures of the kids first day of school!