Friday, June 27, 2008

I'm gonna miss this...

...and I am gonna want this back...
...these busy, little sleep, diaper changing, dirty home, grumpy kid times...

but going by my feelings alone right now, this entry could have more aptly been called:
I've fallen and I can't get up...
I'm drowning...
Good intentions...

...cause my house is in total disarray and I feel I can't catch up, because we are keeping so busy.
...cause there is stuff piled in every corner and it's about to bury us alive; I just can't seem to get on top of it.
...cause I have intended to do so many other good things (like blog) that I just haven't gotten to...yet.

Then today, I come home after a long shopping trip with the girls (explanation enough for any mom shopping with one or more kids)...and as I'm turning the corner,
I'm praying the girls stay awake for 2 more minutes so they can get good naps,
I'm praying I might get one of the first parking stalls so I can haul all my stuff in quickly,
and I'm praying that just maybe there will even be someone there to help me...but I won't push my luck, or um, blessings...

...and… we sing one more round of "wheels on the bus," yes, they are awake,
as I pull into the very first parking stall,
and open my door to the literal embrace of a good friend who happened to be walking by.

I was so overwhelmed by the exactness in God's caring for me that I had to stop, even as I am throwing things into bags for a weekend camping trip, that I have to leave for in one hour, and give a little thanks.


Leah said...

So amazing! Things like that keep me so grateful and so humble! I always seem to think, despite lots of examples over a life time, 'He loves me, he really loves me!'

MarkandMaren said...

I think every mom knows exactly those feelings. I was having them last night myself. Sometimes I think I should post pictures of the disarray our house is in so others know they are not alone in their chaos!

A.J. Dub. (Amy) said...

Chelsy, you are amazing, you know that! We all have those days, weeks, even months where life seems to get out of hand. See my blog, if you don't believe me, But you, take the time to note the blessings. I need to do that WAYYY more. Thanks!
Have fun camping! Wish it was me...

Sheffers said...

Thanks for sharing your true mommy moments. Those front row parkings spots are the best! I am glad it all worked out for you. What great neighbors you have. Thanks for taking some time out and helping me with making bows. Your a great mom, and the best example. Thanks again.

hairprincess said...

That is so sweet I am glad you got that first parking spot! and I can see how hard it would be to make it up two flights of stairs with two kids AND grocerys I look up to you for all you do and your kids are great cause you are such a good mommy!:)

MarciK said...

Chelsey, you are an inspiration to me!