...and I like the way the curtains turned out...there is black out just on the top where there are no blinds...I enjoy the colors in my girls Americana room....

...here is his Father's Day gift from me to him:
He wanted a curved fireplace hearth...Lowes and Home Depot said it couldn't be done...so we made it happen:
...and here is another of the many, many, many, many gifts he gave me in many hours of work...
...I honestly did not take many pics of this place before, and in the ones you see, they are touched up so you don't see all the mess that was left...it felt cold, yucky, and dark...now it feels warm, happy, and like home! (even though it is an ENDless project and I just can't wait for a fence and some BIG trees!!) I'll post some more before/after pics if you are interested....? ...and...what would you do with that white tile inside the fireplace...I can't really remove it...so what else??? Leave it?

I can't wait to see all you have done. I can tell you have added a lot since I was there.
I can't wait to see all you have done. I can tell you have added a lot since I was there.
Wow. Those before and after pics are dramatic. You had quite an eye for potential when you picked that place. It looks so great.
WOW! I'm so impressed! I can't believe you guys did that. That must have been so much work. Way to go, that's awesome!
It looks so cute!! What a beautiful home you have made!
Wow! You guys are really brave. It looks great! I think I heard on a DIY show that they make paint especially for tile if you don't like the color. Would it be too hard to take the mantle off and break off the tiles and re-do it with ones that match your hearth?
I don't think it looks bad the way it is though.
Wow- I've never seen the "before" of your house. That would have just overwhelmed me. You guys have done a great job.
Wow, I had no idea how much it's changed! Looks sooo good now! I don't see anything wrong with the white tile... what did you have in mind?
Beautiful. it really is a HOME, your Temple:). Alot of work but it is worth it. You guys are amazing. And YES more before and after pics they are fun!
Your house looks amazing! I too want to see more pictures! I personally think the white tile looks great with the white mantle. And none of the colors clash - it looks awesome!
I guess i"ll leave the white tile for now then...I have heard of paint, and thought of it, but I've had enough say it looks fine...so I'll leave it! Thanks!!
Wow! You have done a beautiful job!
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