If you have never had it, don't expect American Pizza to be anything like it...but, do expect it to have an awesome unique taste all of it's own. My husband served a church mission in Italy where he fell in love with Italian food. He took me to the Salt Lake City restaurant called Settebello for an authentic Italian Pizza. Sooooooooooo good. I craved their margherita with italian sausage my whole pregnancy. They also have Gelato...the awesome Italian Ice cream. I would go there.
Now, in Provo valley, they have the restaurant Terra Mia. We tried it. Just as gooood. As we were leaving, we saw some couples walk to the door, look in, and decide not to go. WHAT!?! Do you not know how good this pizza is?! I would go here too. These places import the real ingredients. They also have Gelato...
We have really liked Italian Pizza. The olive oil they put on top is a yummy touch. Oh, and Gelato, please... All I can say is, Limone!
Terra Mia is my favorite! My hubby actually does all their marketing and works on other businesses with the restaurant owner. If you're interested, every wednesday night is Italian Night. You can get a free gelato with purchase of a meal if you print this coupon, http://www.terramiaonline.com/italiannight
So where is this place in Provo? We want to try it.
Just as a heads up... I wasn't really impressed with their Lasagna.
I'd recommend to stick with the Pizza and Gelato - which are amazing...
Terra Mia is accross from from the new Cinema at the Orem mall. Right near Tavish's work.
Yum! Next time we in Utah we are so there!:)
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