"Sisters, now, more than ever we need women to step up and be strong. We need women who declare the truth with strength, faith, and boldness. We need women to set an example of righteousness. We need women to be anxiously engaged in a good cause. We need to live so that our lives bear witness that we love our Heavenly Father and the Savior Jesus Christ and that we will do what They have asked us to do. We need to “rescue all that is finest down deep inside of us” so that as daughters of God we can do our part to build the kingdom of God. We will have help to do this. As Joseph [Smith] declared, “If you live up to your privileges, the angels cannot be restrain’d from being your associates."
At the recent General Relief Society conference for the world, we were inspired to give ourselves credit for who we really are. I liked this summary of the conference.
Thar Picture is great with the quote!
Is this quote from Saturday's conference? I wasn't able to attend, so I have been gleaning tidbits from blogs. Thanks for sharing!
How is your Grandpa? Could we go and visit him or do anything for him? We would love to help out if we can, email me at gentry_marie@yahoo.com
Have a great day!!
You don't know me...I stumbled upon your blog while hopping around, but I absolutly love this picture and your comment...It gave me chills and I absolutly agree with you! I don't have girls, but our children have to be strong, boys and girls...and I just loved the post! And thanks for spreading the word about family!
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