...I realize that summer has been over for a month now, but I wanted to add some pictures to finish it up...we were gone almost every other weekend. At first this was hard, and I wondered if
even the kids were getting anything out of it...then as we got use to packing up and leaving, it became a lot of fun...
Trip to the cabin with the in-laws...

...playing in the river with cousins...

...motorcycle fun...

...even Lil Bay loved it with her uncle...

...Boo really loved the motorcycles...

...all the men chopping wood...

...and our first snow of the season...

...other things this summer:
get-togethers with the Hermanas, sister missionaries I served with:

...weekend at Bear Lake...learning from Great-Grandpa...

...playing in the sand with second cousins...

...and of course...SWIMMING...


...and now the summer is over...

I love your pictures! You guys look like you had such a great and exciting summer! I especially like this last picture of your girls together-I hope my boys are as good as friends one day!
You are such an impressive mother!
I sure love those two girls!
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