...in church us women have a program called Enrichment Night. It’s similar to community learning classes, where we learn all KINDS of things, and better get to know our friends and neighbors. It was one of the ‘get to know you’ nights that my friend, mother of four small children, was planning on attending. She was supposed to make a basket of things representing herself, her talents, etc, to share with the group. She is the type of person who likes to be accurate; she didn’t just want to throw any old things into the basket, so she tried to give some thought to the task. Activity time came, however, and she had no basket. No time! Then inspiration hit as she was doing what she does daily: wiping up messes, wiping fingers, wiping faces, wiping bums, wiping noses, wiping dishes/counters/floors/windows/take your pick! She is a talented wiper! She filled that basked with all the ‘wipes’ she could find from Clorox wipes to diaper wipes and had a good time with it.
This silly situation has inspired me, as my friend often does, that we see the positive in our present situation and find our hidden talents as well as happiness. Her attitude helps me be content to be a professional wiper at the present time.
That's so creative, I love it!
I've got to ask though, why a picture of Phil?
Hey! Nice hair and cute little faces...we miss you guys!
Wow I love your hubbys hair! haha that is sweet why doesnt he do it like that more often?? That is funny with the wipes, what would we do with out them? HOw did people live without them back in the day??? haha we are so spoiled huh:)
the picture of my hubby is on there just to see if he's still reading my blog...hehe
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