in the shower.
chopping veggies.
doing the dishes.
on my hands and knees cleaning.
driving with the radio off.
all of these with the radio off.
turn off the noise and be 'still.'
keep my hands doing something that doesn't require my mind...
just myself, and my thoughts...
and the 'thoughts' come pouring in...
answers to my prayers come pouring in...

Thanks so much for that. Man, I miss relief society!
Love your thought, love the picture, and love you!
Great reminder. Love it!
That is so true that is funny our home teachers talked about that, its hard to get those times when there is nothing on and no distractions, even the computer, and to just like meditate and think about ANYTHING, even with kids around your mind is always on them! Its good to have ME time for good thinking time:)
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