...another camping trip, this time the girls and I were base camp for my hubbie and his brother. They climbed the highest peak in Idaho, Mtn Borah. We stayed at
Downata Hot Springs. It's in the little city of Downy Idaho, population less than 700.

We slept in a Tepee with cots. Also available are yurts, cabins, RV/tent spots.

Nice setup. And while I waited on my own all day for the guys to hike. I took the girls to the hot springs water park.
Way to truly go native!
That looks so fun. What a cool campsite!
What a fun little trip! We went there last year and stayed in the cabins for Grady's family reunion and loved it! I thought it was such a cute place...with beautiful scenery! But hey, I love Idaho!!!
I'm sad our plans fell through today...hopefully you are out doing something fun! And hopefully we'll see ya next week! :)
Looks like soo much fun!! We'll have to try it. Glad to have you guys back though. Happy 4th!
Fun I wish I couldve gone and hung with you and the kids that wouldve been sweet! I like the looks of that camping too, it looks cleaner then our tent was in moab!:) Maybe we can plan a camp trip while we in Utah!? :)
How fun to stay in a Tee Pee. I love how it looks inside. Was it hot? I too wish I could have been there to hang out with the girls. I'm sorry that Little Bay takes after Dad in the hair department. I hope she doesn't have to wait until she is three to get hair like he did. At least we know it will be beautiful when it grows in1
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