a day out with the kiddos...watching the planes land

Saltair and Great Salt Lake salt water taffy...

...this place use to be a mile wide amusement park! Biggest roller coaster in the west. I had no idea. It's in the middle of no-where...fascinating to think about. Anybodies grandparents go? Ours did.
I always wished I went Salt Air when I was out there, and I wish I could float in the Salt Lake.
This is unrelated, but one of the songs on your playlist is from Wicked but it sounds lie a pop version. Where did you get it?
I LOVE Salt water taffy BTW and it's hard to find in TX. :(
So, I had to learn to make my own. It doesn't always work because of the humidity here though. And I still love the fresh cinnamon and chocolate kind from UT. Do you remember the kiosk in the University mall that used to pull taffy? I loved that stuff!
I think My mom used to go to Saltair as a kid, but I could be wrong. Maybe it was her mom.
Yeah, I got my hair done, thanks. We'll be in Utah the 17th - 22nd. It'll be a quick busy trip but we'd love to see you guys! Let's make plans once it gets closer.
What darling little girls you have!I also love your blog name, too cute!
Sounds like you guys had a fun day together. I can't wait till Mark comes home so we can have our family night out. I forgot how far apart are your little ones? What have you discovered about the age difference, better close together or a little further apart? Do tell! :)
I love the picture with the airplane and the sun!
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