Language has come at it's own pace for Boo. We began teaching her sign at a very early age, but she didn't pick up on it (or maybe
we didn't?). When she didn’t even babble until she was over a year old, we started signing again, this time with more effort. At around 21 months she began to sign with "more" and "please" and language has taken off from there! Now she begins to recognize that speaking is even faster than signing and her vocabulary is building daily. (More work for me. I understood her rubbing her tummy for ‘please’ much easier than I identify the ‘eeez’ of ‘please’ from ‘eeez’ of cheese).
Baby Signing Time has been her choice (or is it really mine?) of the signing videos we've shared with her. She learns the signs quickly because it is set to music! (Or is it me that picks up on it more quickly because it is set to music?)
At Christmas time she was able to meet the cast and she was captivated. (She is signing "cracker" in the above picture.)
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