Friday, February 29, 2008
Call me something! Anything! Please!
Then recently...out walking the kids in the wagon, Boo turned around and said something. Wait a minute....was that "hi"....or even "Hi, Deedee?" "Honey, I think she just said Hi to her sister!” I know it didn't sound like it, but those sounds were definitely directed to Little Bay and I know she said "hi!" I think she called someone, something! Spontaneously! Woo Hoo!
But wait...she's been calling someone else something. It came to me in the near dream/wake period of sleep last night. "Jeejeez." Boo calls Jesus, "Jeejeez." And has been for some time. That's the first name she learned and identifies??? That's cool. She is calling Jesus by name...identifying him by picture...calling him by name. She hasn’t done that for anyone.
On a trip to Las Vegas last weekend to see the cousins, we brought the portable DVD player to entertain during driving time. I’ve mentioned that Boo’s favorite videos are Baby Signing Time. Not this trip! “Jeejeez” she would ask for over and over again. Joy to the World. The Christmas video about the birth of Christ. It has songs by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir in-between excerpts of the story of Christ. It’s well done, but not in any special way catered to kids. Boo LOVES this DVD. I think it’s the music. Home from the trip, we were running some errands and every time we got back in the car it was “Jeejeez, Jeejeez.” We weren’t even in the same vehicle and I had to keep telling her, no sorry, we don’t have the DVD here. This went on for the entire day and the next. I started to get a little concerned. “Are you trying to tell me something, Boo?” “Are you seeing something I’m not?” “Are you trying to prepare me for something?” I know, I know…but mom’s get a little freaked out when their kids do these sorts of things.
Or, I could look at it as Boo just being closer to that Heavenly world than the rest of us, and perhaps this is why she is taking so long to talk. “Oh the things I would tell you, Mom, if I only could!”
Kids express their love in other ways, aside from calling you those endearing, wonderful, completely normal things like…mom. Boo gives hugs. Awesome hugs. Little arms, full bodied, big grinning hugs. I’ll take that expression of love.
And this week, Little Bay clearly said “mama,” just for me.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Why-o why-o why-o do my goldfish die-o?
They keep dying!
Why do they die?! We had a set of goldfish for about 10 years (a guy asked my sister to a high school dance by filling the bathtub with water and goldfish... "of all the fish in the sea...." blah, blah, blah). Well, they died in the latest move (sad, tragic story). Now we've been through about 5 more sets of goldfish and two Plecostomus or 'sucker' fish.
Why do they die!!
We tested the water. It's fine. We have a filter. We grow algae. HELP!
I think rules of feng shui would be telling us that the tank is incorrectly positioned in the house and very soon we will go bankrupt.
Now we are trying mollies and platies. Hearty little fish. And they are living! Guess we can put off that bankruptcy for a while.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Children's Literature

Scrapbooking is Definitely ART

"You never gain something but that you lose something." - Henry David Thoreau
Babies are a miracle. They are expression. They are art. They are entertaining. Couldn't you just watch them forever? Especially those firsts. We caught this first of Little Bay's on Sunday.
A Great Man

Artistic expression through clothes

Expression through flannel boards

Weight Loss Competition
I've found that my favorite workout so far is "Dance Baby Dance" a dvd for the postnatal mom to dance with baby. Boo loves to watch it with me. Not dance to it. I can get her to dance occasionally. Little Bay on the other hand, loves to dance with me! It almost puts her to sleep, but she doesn't want to be put down.
I'm a nursing mommy so I am starving a lot of the time. To loose this weight, I have made a goal. I eat MORE! haha. No, it’s true. I have five eating times a day...or six. I eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, and then maybe a snack. It’s basically the girls eating schedule. The goal is that during these times I EAT. Even if I'm busy, I take a moment to remember that I NEED to eat, or I will be hungry and eat without thinking. This way, I am THINKING about what I eat before I'm starving. I have some healthy choices handy and I grab them to eat usually while I'm getting the girls food. It's been great because I have to think about food, which makes me NOT think about food as much. Sounds odd, but it's working for me.
Expression through Sign Language
Baby Signing Time has been her choice (or is it really mine?) of the signing videos we've shared with her. She learns the signs quickly because it is set to music! (Or is it me that picks up on it more quickly because it is set to music?)
At Christmas time she was able to meet the cast and she was captivated. (She is signing "cracker" in the above picture.)
Enjoying the art of Riverdance

We took Grandpapa, while Grandma babysit (she received tickets to see Wicked).
The performance: Wow. Amazing.
How do you start your kids in this kind of dancing?
Christmas 2007
My husband loved the quilt, poorly made as it was.
For me he made a photo montage tribute to ME! I loved it! We watched it on his laptop during Christmas breakfast. The most meaningful part was the music he chose. He divided the slideshow into themes: my adventures, my creativity, me as a mother, and me as his wife. Very sweet. (a little self-conscious watching a tribute to oneself)
Here is where an interesting thing happened. One of the songs he chose, a song he had not heard before he chose it: Peter Brienholt's "God Bless this Love" begins with the first two lines of Robert Browning’s poem: Grow old along with me. The best is yet to be!

Expression of the Holidays!
During Christmas of 2007 we had some family living away (some for the first time) in sunny, snowless areas of the world. We missed them and wanted to share some of our snow and Christmas with them. I made this little 4 min video of the girls performing to their favorite version of Jingle Bells.
Friday, February 8, 2008
A little Political expression
My husband likes politics. He's not the type to get into heated arguments, but he will ask you your sources and make sure you can back your opinions with fact. He likes to know what is going on and form educated opinions. This is why I value his information. We learn about it together or he updates me and explains different things so I can form my opinions.
I realize it's a little late to post support for this candidate, but we were for Mitt Romney and are disappointed that he is no longer in the race. There are many whys, and I've linked a few websites that explain those, because this is not one of those websites. We just wanted to give expression to our support. Thanks!
The Early Years

The following are from High School. What fun to go back and see this stuff!
We drew this on the walls of my college apartments at Ricks College. When the manager saw it he was pretty upset; but, he calmed down when we showed him how easily these washable crayons come off.
Washable crayons again. I drew these on the walls for my sister's kids. I've always loved Disney! This was in my sister's bedroom.
Oil painting class at BYU.
The home I grew up in. My art teacher didn't like this because he didn't like to put surreal, religious stuff in paintings. Oh well, families can be forever, right!
Pumpkin art. I mostly just painted them...but I had some fun with this one.
Watercolor card made for one of the girls in my Young Women's class.
When we lived in Dillingham, Alaska
we were able to enjoy the culture, the dance, the costume. They were a great people. Carving from whale bone or walrus tusk was common. This is a digital piece I was having fun with for the logo of a local radio station.

Alaska again. We had a luau for the Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation. This is one of those boards you put your face into and take a picture.