...right now my daughter has a doll buckled into a booster seat. she just asked the doll a question. then, she made the doll say, "I don't like this buckle, mommy." I've never heard her doll talk to her before..the sound of imagination! my daughter reassured her doll that it was just a head-band she's wearing...the quick, random shift in topic...then she gave her a toy cupcake to eat. then she turned to her sister and asked if she would make some more cupcakes...interaction!

...after every question statement my daughter makes to her doll, she jumps several times and flaps her arms. she's just happy. her statements are usually repeated several times...but look, now she's hugging and reassuring her dolly...empathy, love! she just asked her sister if she could please have a pink cupcake...looking down at the table as she asks...always looking just below the chin or down at the ground...just a glance now and then at the eyes...that wonderful glance.. immediately at me just now as I tell her dolly is going to get a tummy ache eating that icing. this is special icing she explains. letting me into her play...
...a different normal...autism...shy...personality type...a way of thinking...fascinating...as are
all my kids personalities...to me...
"Here are some things you will not find in your research on autism:
....You will not be told how it may fundamentally alter your perceptions of what is "normal," how it may change your view of human beings, how it can force you to question small talk and why we behave the way we do, how it will transform your outlook on life, how it will change you..." Read the whole article